{{- define "staff" -}} Staff Home – CCA Selection System
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{{- .Name }} (Staff)

This site is still a work in progress and may contain bugs! Please contact Runxi Yu for any issues.

Export all choices as a spreadsheet

Export student confirmed status as a spreadsheet

{{- if ge .State 1 }}

Disable student access

{{- if ge .State 2 }}

Stop course selections

{{- else }}

Start course selections

{{- end }} {{- else }}

Enable student access

{{- end }} {{- range .Groups }} {{- range .Courses }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if eq .State 0 }} {{- end }}
ID Used Max Name Type Teacher Location
{{ .Name }}
{{.ID}} {{.Selected}} {{.Max}} {{.Title}} {{.Type}} {{.Teacher}} {{.Location}}
{{- end -}}